<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>BARN offers budding authors a March 19-20 playwriting workshop

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
BARN offers budding authors a March 19-20 playwriting workshop

In this 12-minute podcast we learn about the special weekend workshop offered by Bainbridge Island’s BARN on March 19-20, on how to write a 10-minute play … and get it produced! In this podcast, the 2-day workshop is described by the three workshop organizers and presenters: 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:</i> <br>Stories of first 10 years of all-island City in the 1990s

Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:
Stories of first 10 years of all-island City in the 1990s

In this 42-minute conversation about the birth of the home-rule Bainbridge Island city in the 1990s, we hear stories from former officials from the old days. You’ll hear: Andy Maron of the 1988-91 Home Rule Committee and the ensuing 1991-99 City Council; former council member 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:</i> <br>Remembering the 1991 Bainbridge Island Home Rule movement

Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:
Remembering the 1991 Bainbridge Island Home Rule movement

In this podcast, three of the leading members of the 1991 “home rule” movement to form a Bainbridge island-wide city – Darlene Kordonowy, Vicki Johnson and Charles Schmid – reminisce about that transformative event on its 25th anniversary. You are invited to the 5:30pm Tuesday 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:</i> <br>Hear all 4 proposals for the City’s Suzuki 14 acres

Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:
Hear all 4 proposals for the City’s Suzuki 14 acres

In this 36-minute podcast, BCB interviews the proponents of the four proposals for the use of the City’s 14-acre Suzuki property in Winslow, and we hear an overview of the property, the zoning and our Comprehensive Plan priorities from the City’s Interim Planning Director Joe 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>Citizen activist and Seattle City Council veteran speaks Thursday Feb 18th

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
Citizen activist and Seattle City Council veteran speaks Thursday Feb 18th

At 7:30pm on Thursday February 18, Eagle Harbor Books welcomes Nick Licata, who was elected to Seattle City Council five times, and served 18 years through December 2015. Nick will present stories and anecdotes from his new book: “Becoming a Citizen Activist: Stories, Strategies, and Advice 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:</i><br>Sustainable Bainbridge and EcoAdapt help our City face climate change

Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:
Sustainable Bainbridge and EcoAdapt help our City face climate change

In this podcast, Lara Hansen explains how climate change will impact Bainbridge Island. She’s the chief scientist and executive director of local nonprofit EcoAdapt, and a board member of Sustainable Bainbridge. EcoAdapt has been funded by Bainbridge Community Foundation to help local citizens participate in 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe:</i> <br>Kathy Cook reflects on 20 years of service with the City

Podcast: Community Cafe:
Kathy Cook reflects on 20 years of service with the City

In this podcast, City planning director Kathy Cook reflects back and reminisces about a remarkable 20-year career with the City of Bainbridge Island (COBI). Kathy is retiring this month from the important and publicly visible position of Director of Planning and Community Development. Kathy was 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe:</i> <br>State Senator Christine Rolfes – a conversation for BCB listeners

Podcast: Community Cafe:
State Senator Christine Rolfes – a conversation for BCB listeners

In this podcast interview, recorded in early January, State Senator Christine Rolfes shares some personal anecdotes and also previews the 2016 session of the State Legislature that starts on Monday January 11th. Topics explored for BCB listeners during this 25-minute podcast conversation include: 0:40 How is 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>European film and supper series starts Jan 26th at Art Museum

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
European film and supper series starts Jan 26th at Art Museum

Welcome to the 300th podcast in BCB’s 18-month history! In this podcast, the two co-founders of the Edge Improv – Frank Buxton and John Ellis – describe the upcoming series of European Films they are curating and presenting at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art 

<i>Podcast: Bainbridge Island Specials:</i> <br>Let it not happen again – Nidoto Nai Yoni

Podcast: Bainbridge Island Specials:
Let it not happen again – Nidoto Nai Yoni

This is a 40-minute keepsake of high points from the unforgettable Monday Dec 14th nighttime community vigil in the 40-degree weather at the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial. It starts with a short interview about the meaning of the event with Clarence Moriwaki, one