Recent Podcasts

<i>Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge: </i><br>Jon Garfunkel on EduCulture

Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge:
Jon Garfunkel on EduCulture

Last week at the Farmers Market BCB host Bob Ross joined EduCulture founder Jon Garfunkel. EduCulture focuses on building bridges between K-12 schools and their community, with an emphasis on edible education, heritage and human rights education and a strong core of hands-on student-centered programs. In 

<i>Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge: </i><br>T&C’s Joe Pulicicchio on avocados, melons and more

Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge:
T&C’s Joe Pulicicchio on avocados, melons and more

This discussion, the fourth in our series with Director of Produce and Floral for Town and Country Markets, Joe Pulicicchio, is all about berries, peaches, avocados and melons.  Now that the berry season is wrapping up, Joe talks about some of the challenges of accessing 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>BPA kids theater camp leads to staging “James and the Giant Peach” July 28-30

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
BPA kids theater camp leads to staging “James and the Giant Peach” July 28-30

In this 12-minute podcast interview on the rehearsal stage of Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA), we meet the young lead actor and two of the Directors who will present “James and the Giant Peach” on the BPA stage from July 28 to 30. Tickets are now 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>Quilt artist giving workshop and talk at Art Museum Aug 12-13

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
Quilt artist giving workshop and talk at Art Museum Aug 12-13

The author of the recently published book, “Creative Strength Training: Prompts, Exercises and Personal Stories for Encouraging Artistic Genius“, Jane Dunnewold, will be giving a talk on August 12th at the BI Museum of Art about strategies and exercises for cultivating creativity. She will also 

<i>Bainbridge Video Podcasts:</i> <br>Amabile Choir helps us celebrate the Grand Old Fourth

Bainbridge Video Podcasts:
Amabile Choir helps us celebrate the Grand Old Fourth

To help us get in the mood for Bainbridge Island Grand Old Fourth celebrations, BCB is pleased to offer our local Amabile Choir’s renditions of songs about America by American composers.  Here, we offer a 5-minute video podcast of excerpt’s from the Amabile Choir’s Spring Concert 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>“Creating a Culture of Peace” workshop at Bodhi Center on Aug 5th

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
“Creating a Culture of Peace” workshop at Bodhi Center on Aug 5th

In this 10-minute podcast, Scott Brown, author of “Active Peace: A Mindful Path to a Nonviolent World“, describes his August 5th Bodhi Center workshop based on the book’s themes and mindfulness practice. With a Masters degree in ecopsychology and transpersonal psychology from Naropa University, Scott 

<i>Podcast: Who’s On Bainbridge:</i> <br>Meet the new owners of Eagle Harbor Books

Podcast: Who’s On Bainbridge:
Meet the new owners of Eagle Harbor Books

In this 17-minute podcast conversation, meet Jane and Dave Danielson — the two long-time islanders who are the new owners of Eagle Harbor Book Company, the Island’s iconic independent bookstore on Winslow Way. When Morley Horder, who has owned our beloved neighborhood independent bookstore for 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge: </i>Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing at Bloedel Reserve July 8-24

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge: Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing at Bloedel Reserve July 8-24

The Bard is returning to Bloedel! BPA’s 4th Annual Summertime Shakespeare performance is coming once again to the Bloedel Reserve. Now under the inspired direction of Kate Carruthers, this year’s classic comedy, Much Ado About Nothing,  will be performed Thursday-Sunday evenings from July 8-24 (Pay-what-you-can 

<i>Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:</i> <br>Meet our new public schools Superintendent Peter Bang-Knudsen

Podcast: Community Cafe Bainbridge:
Meet our new public schools Superintendent Peter Bang-Knudsen

In this 23-minute podcast, our new Superintendent of the Bainbridge Island School District, Peter Bang-Knudsen, responds to questions about his personal background — such as his discovery of his commitment to teaching, coaching and helping kids — and his forward-looking goals and vision for our public 

<i>Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:</i> <br>Kiwanis Club plans July events and membership drive

Podcast: What’s Up Bainbridge:
Kiwanis Club plans July events and membership drive

In this 12-minute podcast, two of the longest serving members and officers of the Bainbridge Kiwanis Club describe this July’s upcoming events. John Jay is current president, and Fred Grimm is a past president. And the two of them describe some details of the Club’s