Helene Smart will be singing cabaret-style over dinner at the Manor House, in Lynwood Center, on Nov. 9-10.

Helene has always loved to sing since she was small.  She sang with her family around campfires, in musical comedies during school and community theater but has hit upon a type of music she resonates with and she loves to share it with her audiences. It’s Cabaret!

She got her start in Cabaret on the island at Bainbridge Performing Arts.  Dennis Faust, the director, asked her to extend the play he was directing and fill out the evening by singing songs that related to that play. While she researched songs for the play, she realized how much she liked songs that told a story, hence her start with cabaret music.  

Cabaret songs are sung in an intimate setting with words that portray stories. Helene chooses her songs very carefully thinking about her audience; will they appeal to a wide range of people? Will they portray the story she wants to tell and which songs can be strung together that deepen the impact of the story?  Choosing music is a past time Helene loves for she rediscovers music she hasn’t heard for a while or she discovers new songs that were recorded long ago by a different artist or she remembers favorite songs she sang as a child with her family. She tries to find songs that are whimsical and humorous because they get the point across in a fun way.

Does she write her own songs?  In one case, yes.  She collaborated with a friend and wrote the song “The Name Song” which is about the pronunciation of her name.  It is a humorous, clever and light song about an irritating situation for her.

On November 9th and 10th, the Manor House at Pleasant Beach will feature Helene and their grand piano. 

The show on November 9th is sold out but folks have another opportunity to hear this talented artist on Tuesday, November 10th.  

Dinner reservations are for 6pm only and are accepted by calling the Manor House at 206-842-8439.  You won’t want to miss it!
